Taking inspiration from cognitive and behaviour principles

 Taking inspiration from cognitive and behaviour principles, Kwit offers a playful approach to help you quit smoking. More precisely, this app has been designed like a game and provides personalised strategies such as helping you to keep track of the day-to-day progress, a diary to manage the cravings and to see how smoking cessation has evolved.

What I have liked the most about this app is its motivational cards/articles as these are both accessible and informative. Kwit can be downloaded from both Apple Store and Google Play Store.

Smoke Free
I can save around BDT 68,035 per year by quitting smoking, and Smoke Free has given me this calculation! In addition, this app offers helpful features to analyse and tackle the cravings and a diary to keep track of your progress.
A bonus—you can avail its Quit Coach and motivational missions by using the paid version of this app. Smoke Free is available on both Android and iPhone platforms. 

Lastly, do keep in mind that quitting smoking requires patience and practice. You will have to gradually get used to the daily routines that do not include smoking—to not having nicotine around and giving up tobacco addiction. But no matter how much difficult it may seem, giving up smoking is not an impossible mission. Be sure to know that after getting rid of the habit of smoking, you will find healthy ways to navigate your routines without cigarettes.        


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